Monday, February 19

Come One, Come All

Our first day of Bible school was a crazy, fun-filled, and rewarding experience. Since this was our first day in the village, word had not really spread about us being there and what we were doing. Not knowing just how many to expect, we prepared our activites and talked through our plan.

Shortly before school was to let out, we set out down the street in groups of fours and fives to knock on doors and invite children to join us. We also went to the local school. Children here go to school from about age 4 or 5 to 11 or 12. As we walked, we passed the small school house. One of the doors was opened and the children looked out to see our group. "Look at all the white people!" on boy shouted in a little sing-song. We thought this was funny, but I guess in a predomanantly black society, we stand out.

When school was dismissed, we talked with parents who were there to pickup their children and had several children follow with us back down to the center. They were very excited. The children were quite rambunctious, but good spirited. We had just aroung 35 children.

We led them in games, coloring pictures, and acting out Bible stories. We acted out Jesus' parable of the "Good Samaritan". The children were encouraged not to be like the mean men, and not to be like one of the men who saw someone who needed help and ignore them. They were encouraged to be like the one who helped the man in need. This hit home with our mission team, too. We're here all week to help wherever we see those in need. We're here to "love our neighbors".

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