Thursday, February 22

Youth Interviews: Blair, Christy, Olivia

This was an interview with teenagers Blair Adams (Statesboro FUMC), Christy Starling (Brooklet UMC), and Olivia Chester (Statesboro FUMC).

Q: What will be some of your biggest memories of all you've done for God this week?

Blair: Definitely helping with the kids.

Christy: Yeah!

Blair: They were so excited about everything we did with them. And we were all excited too.

Olivia: I met this little girl and spent some time with her and was helping her. When we were about to leave she came up to me and said, "Thank you. I had a good time that you were here." That really touched my heart because she meant it.

Christy: I think one of my biggest memories will be this one little boy at Bible school. He was a real wild child, all over the place the whole time. Then when we were closing for the day, he volunteered to say a prayer, and it was so special the things he said. Like he really did get something out of it.

Blair: It was from the heart.

Olivia: I'll remember talking to the lady whose house we've worked on. She was showing us pictures of her kids and grand-kids and would tel us their names and where they lived. She seemed happy just to have someone to talk too and someone who would listen to her.

Christy: And the church service we went to in the Bahamas. It was so loud... and long!

Blair: It was something different than usual. And the little boy playing the drums. He was thirteen and couldn't even see over the drums.

Olivia: I won't forget them.

Blair: And all the pastors the sat on the stage cheering on the preacher. It was neat.


Anonymous said...

We're glad to see that you are all enjoying your trip. It sounds like you are doing a great job. Hope your last day is fun,exciting and full of memories. Have a safe trip home.

John and Martin Karen

Anonymous said...

What a great trip! Olivia, we can't wait to see you and hear the many other stories you all have to tell. Have a safe trip home. Love, Mama

Anonymous said...


We are so proud of you and miss you. I've enjoyed your Rav-4; I went mud bogging in it this morning. I should have rolled the windows up. There's mud inside and out. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Love, Daddy