We would love for you to participate by leaving us your comments, encouragement, or questions. Following are some basic instructions to aid you in leaving comments if you are new to using a weblog like this one. It's not complicated and it's just four little steps!
Instructions for Comments:
1. Following each post, you will see a link that says "comments". Clicking this link will open a new window. You will see comments left by others.
2. Scrolling to the bottom of this window, you will see a place where you may type your comment, questions, or words of encouragement.
Note All comments will be under moderation. This is not to discourage your input, but rather to avoid inappropriate material and to prevent spammers. Once we receive your comments, they will be approved and appear on the blog.
3. Next, you will be asked for "word verification". Simply type the characters you see in the picture above.
4. Finally, you will be asked to "choose an identity". By selecting "Other" you will be able to enter you name (the "web page" field is optional). You also may choose to leave an anonymous comment by selecting that option (but that's not nearly as much fun).
That's it! You may preview your comment before you submit it or if it's all ready to go, click on "publish your comment". We look forward to hearing from you all!