Saturday, February 17

Travel Day

Today was 'travel-day'. We met this morning at Statesboro FUMC for our departure. It was a long ride, but we're finally here.

There were many sleepy-heads early in the trip, but before long there was a little reading, some card games, and definitely some singing (loud singing!). By the way, we enjoyed the free orange juice that is served at the Florida rest stops.

After hours on the bus (and multiple bathroom stops), we've arrived in Ft.Lauderdale for the night. We enjoyed a buffet dinner at SweetTomatoes.

We've settled into our hotel for a few hours and we set out tomorrow morning for the Bahamas! Our boat leaves at 7:30am - so we all have to be ready to pull off from the hotel at 5:30! That's AM!

We're excited about all that's in store for the team this next week. It's already been interesting to see how teens from different churches and cities have bonded. Several have buddied up with each other and everyone seems to be getting along well. We've been looking forward to this trip for so long, a few were saying it was hard to believe it was here already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayers while you are gone.
Franklin, Beth and Kate